Maximizing the Micro-Moment: Presentment

We’ve spoken at length about the power of the micro-moment. Highlighting the influence of these small pockets of time in which you have your customer’s undivided attention. But how exactly do you maximize this moment?

In this series, we will provide five practical steps you can take to make the most of this valuable resource within the attention economy.

5 Ways to Maximize the Presentment Micro-Moment

  1. Personalization
    This goes well beyond simply adding their name to a bill or statement. Personalized communications create a moment that feels conversational instead of simply transactional. Maybe that means adding a personalized promotion based on previous order history or including a relevant resource to help guide their use of your product. Whatever it is, contextualized conversation beats mass communication every time.
  2. Channel Choice
    This step is arguably one of, if not the, most important. After all, if your customers aren’t actually receiving your bills or statements, it doesn’t matter how personalized or well-crafted the message is because it won’t ever actually be opened. Keeping a pulse on the channels your customers are most apt to engage on means your message never gets left unread.
  3. Clear Communication
    One of the most frustrating things about getting a bill or a statement? Not being able to understand it. With so much message crammed into so little space, it can be difficult to understand exactly what it is that is being asked of the recipient. Remove the friction by making your communication as clear as possible.
  4. Optimize the Opportunity
    While your bill or statement should never be filled to the brim with information and messaging (see above) this is valuable real estate that you should be taking advantage of. Whether it’s a new service you’re offering or a personalized deal specifically for this customer, use this time to highlight relevant announcements and resources.
  5. Continue the Conversation
    Don’t let this moment become a singular touchpoint. Provide a clear CTA that directs your customer to continue the conversation with you – creating true engagement.

These micro-moments may be small, but they have the power to transform your customer relationship and drive ongoing loyalty and revenue. Like they always say, good things come in small packages.