Managing Rising Postal Costs for Customer Communication

In today’s fast-paced, digital world, effective customer or member communication remains a cornerstone of successful businesses. However, with the postal increase that went into effect on July 14, the rising costs of postal services present a significant challenge, particularly for companies that rely heavily on physical mail. Whether it’s invoices, statements, marketing materials, or customer service communications, finding ways to manage and mitigate these costs is essential. Here are some strategies to help businesses navigate this challenge effectively.

  1. Embrace Digital Communication
    One of the most straightforward ways to reduce postal costs is by shifting to digital communication. Emails, SMS, and digital communications not only save on postage but also reach customers or members more quickly. Encourage them to opt-in for electronic statements and communications by highlighting the benefits, such as faster delivery and eco-friendliness. Customers will appreciate having options to receive important communication in the format they prefer.
  2. Optimize Mailing Lists
    Maintaining an up-to-date and accurate mailing list is crucial. Returned mail and incorrect addresses can significantly increase costs. Regularly clean and verify your mailing list to ensure accuracy. Third party providers, such as OSG, can provide extensive address verification and data cleansing solutions to ensure you don’t waste money on mailing.
  3. Presorted Mailing Discounts
    Many businesses send their own mail but lack the volume to take advantage of presorted mail discounts from the USPS. To optimize your mailing spend, it makes sense to work with a third-party provider like OSG to receive the benefit of presorted mailing discounts. This could allow you to reallocate spend to a key growth area in your business.
  4. Innovative Packaging Solutions
    Reducing the size and weight of your mail can lead to substantial savings. Evaluate your packaging materials and consider more cost-effective options. Consider a lighter stock, smaller size envelopes or other eco-friendly options to reduce your package size. Many third-party providers can provide paper and envelope cost savings due to their volume and extensive network of inventory suppliers.
  5. Monitor and Analyze Costs
    Keeping track of your postal expenses and analyzing them regularly can help identify areas for improvement. Use data analytics to monitor costs and performance. OSG provides an online portal with job tracking to monitor your costs and program performance.

Managing rising postal costs for customer communication is a multifaceted challenge that requires a strategic approach. By embracing digital solutions, optimizing processes, and leveraging cost-saving opportunities, businesses can effectively manage their postal expenses while maintaining strong customer and member relationships. Regular review and adaptation of these strategies will help ensure your communication efforts remain both cost-effective and impactful.

To learn more about how OSG can improve and optimize your costs related to customer or member communications, contact us today.